62% of black women say dating has gotten harder
Scams, lies and physical risks are the top culprit to blame in dating woes
There are an awful lot of people who plan on sitting out the dating scene in 2020. More than half of women say dating has gotten harder in the past 10 years, according to a recent Pew Research study. Of these numbers, black women agreed the most (62%), followed by 55% of white women and 50% of Hispanic women. On the other hand, men overall agreed with them 39% of the time.
Of these numbers for both men and women, 54% are black, 48% are white and 42% are Hispanic. (Interestingly, Hispanic people were more likely than the other two groups to say dating has gotten easier — at 31%.)
But what exactly is the big deal about dating now versus in 2010? My guess is shows like “Catfish” haven’t convinced people to dive into the online dating world. In addition to physical risks, the top anti-dating reasons are attributed to lies or scams.
Technology gets the blame 12% of the time, followed by a 10% tie between dating being more impersonal and it being harder to meet new people. The latter vote caught my attention the most, especially considering online dating markets have become far less touche and more commonplace.
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The same people you may never walk by in a club, concert or grocery store are sitting right in front of your computer screen. However, just because someone is available doesn’t mean it’s a winning combination — and 11% agree that dating is far too casual as opposed to those looking for serious relationships. (If your dating profile highlights “hookups,” that ranking goes to you.)
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All is not lost though. Of these surveyors (of all races) who said dating is easier today (23% of men, 16% of women) or dating is about the same (37% of men, 28% of women), technology had equal weight with both (41%). Also, 27% of men and 32% of women say it is easier to meet people. Neither is super swayed that societal norms have changed, with only 12% of men saying it and 9% of women saying it.