Dating black women: Interracial dating gone right and wrong
Step one: Stop talking about slavery at dinner

“You and my sister may not get along,” he said. “She’s so delusional. If she was here right now, she’d be going on and on about how slavery wasn’t her fault. That’s one of many reasons why I don’t talk to her anymore.”
I sighed and gazed at the family at a nearby table. Maybe they’d let me sit with them instead so I could enjoy my Shimbra Asa entree and Yemisir Wot in peace. It was my first time going to a neighborhood Ethiopian restaurant that I’d walked by countless times. And it was his idea to go here on our first date.
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I met him online, and he insisted that we go out to dinner after a few chats. I immediately agreed — after verifying he wasn’t a Trump supporter. I always want to meet in person (pre-COVID-19) and still wonder why “Catfish” has lasted this long. (Online daters, use virtual conference rooms and save yourself a lot of wasted time). Although he wasn’t physically someone I’d initially do a double take for, I would give him about a 6.5 out of 10. More importantly, he was funny (at first) and intelligent. (The latter two work wonders on me.)