Shame Carolyn Bryant, then I’ll shame Jussie Smollett
When Smollett gets someone kidnapped, eye gouged out, beaten, thrown into water and shot in the head, then we can talk about punishing him

I sit here sadly, thinking of the victims who were beaten, kidnapped, tortured, eyes gouged out, thrown into water and left for their mothers to see the remains. I cannot believe Jussie Smollett is responsible for such a heinous crime. Oh, wait, you say absolutely no one died from Smollett creating a racial profiling story? Not one? No one was even pinched? Did he even trip someone?
That can’t be. Failed presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard is tweeting about how he should “be sentenced to the fullest extent of the law to serve as an example & warning to potential future hoaxers.” There had to be some sort of violent crime, right? No. Yes, I’m aware she hasn’t said much about the Capitol Riot where more than 140 officers were hurt and one quit the force entirely. But Jussie Smollett is who she’s throwing shots at? Mmkay.
So, what was all that talk of the kidnaps and the beating? Oops, my mistake, I mixed up the liars. The other one was 87-year-old Carolyn Bryant, the same woman who is still alive and served no time for wrongfully accusing 14-year-old Emmett Till of whistling at her.
“Let that goddamn stuff die,” Bryant said. “Look what they done with Beckwith [the white supremacist who killed NAACP field secretary Medgar Evers]. And now they want to get me, well, to hell with them. I’m not gon’ talk about it. Can’t ever tell what they might do nowadays, they might change the Constitution.”
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Although the Constitution didn’t do anything at all to punish her for a lie that lead to a torturous, wrongful death, karma got ahold of one-half of Emmett Till’s killers. J. W. Milam died of cancer in 1981. Roy Bryant, who was legally blind with back trouble and the other murderer, died in September 1994.
But Bryant? She’s still around and admitted in Timothy Tyson’s “The Blood of Emmett Till” 2017 book that her tale of Emmett Till was “not true.” Emmett Till made no verbal nor physical advances on her, and she “couldn’t remember” what actually happened. (Her current whereabouts have been kept secret by her family, according to Vanity Fair.)