Before you apply for a job, do a PimEyes facial recognition search
IDSC "BlackTechLogy": Facial recognition site brought up results I'd rather unsee
Writer’s note: When this post was first published, PimEyes was free. It is not anymore.
Facial recognition software is one of those areas of technology that I’m both fascinated with and loathe. In the right hands, it’s a useful tool to be able to police your own photos as well as those of someone you may be interested in (romantically or professionally). So when I heard about the free facial recognition software site PimEyes, I was excited to see what the results would be. I looked myself up first and 95% of the photos were met at various hosting events or dog-walking scenarios—give or take a few little girls who look reasonably close to Childhood Shamontiel.
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I took my Internet search one step further and decided to test out a Medium user whose homepage headline caught my attention. I right-clicked and saved this Medium writer’s profile image and searched via PimEyes again. The first few sets of photos were attractive photos of him/her in selfies, at college alum events and get-togethers. Then halfway down the page, I saw the same face—with multiple penises around it. Um. Whet?
I can’t unsee these photos, and once again, facial recognition software has become problematic. This was not what I had in mind.
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