IONOS vs Weebly/Square: Weebly wins by a landslide
BlackTechLogy: 5 things IONOS offers that you are better off getting elsewhere

“Only squares are on Square,” the IONOS tech rep said via phone.
My eyes rolled like carpet, and I didn’t respond.
“Hello?” he asked.
“Yep, I’m here,” I said.
“You’re supposed to laugh!” he snipped.
I held my phone away from my ear, wondering if this guy on the other end of the line realized I was calling in as a customer, not a job applicant.
Over the past year, this is one of many times I’ve yet to understand how people have the patience to buy a domain and maintain an account with IONOS. While I can fully relate to wanting to hold onto a longtime domain, if the service isn’t great (with any hosting provider), I see nothing wrong with trying to get the domain again during the redemption grace period after the renewal grace period has expired. Or, initiate the domain transfer with a new web host and authorize the domain transfer.
Too many times, the person renewing a domain registration will just stick it out with a web hosting provider that they may or may not like. I can’t relate.
Why the loyalty to Weebly?
Even before Square’s $365 cash and stock acquisition with Weebly, I knew about the latter company. In 2008, I initially had no desire to sign up for any website builder. I am old enough to have tinkered with HTML on MySpace (glitter profiles included) and tested out every trick Yahoo! Geocities could offer.
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But when a co-worker at my first editing job brought Weebly to my attention around the same time that I found out Yahoo! Geocities was closing for good in 2009, I started taking my Weebly site a lot more seriously. I created and messed around with it to get better at my first newspaper web editing job.
More than a decade later, I’ve edited, updated and programmed so many websites I’ve lost count. By working on various content management systems on other platforms, I always knew I had the option to easily leave Weebly. I just never did. For the same reason I’ve been a T-Mobile customer for 23 years, once I like a company, I’m locked in. And Weebly, Square and T-Mobile have yet to disappoint me.
It’s one of the reasons I understand why everyone has their favorite web hosting site. I was pretty neutral on all of them (minus WordPress nightmare plug-ins). That is, until I experienced the amount of obnoxious and snippy Customer Service reps from IONOS. For every great rep, there are two more that leave me exhausted by the end of the call. If you’re thinking about joining IONOS, please keep these five things in mind.