UPDATED: Black students, get serious about minority scholarship applications
BlackTechLogy: With Affirmative Action outlawed, Republicans are trying to block black scholarships altogether

Writer’s note as of Sept. 8: I have received confirmation that the previously broken application link for Apple HBCU Scholars Program is resolved, and the scholarship is now open! This post from July 10 has been updated to reflect any changes.
Writer’s note: Click here for part 2, highlighting the HBCU Tuition & Travel Grant. Applications are due by November 1. Click here for part 3, highlighting the Ron Brown Scholarship for high school seniors. Applications are open starting November 1. Click here for part 4, highlighting the Diversity in Law Scholarship Contest. Application deadline is July 28. Click here for parts 5 and 6, highlighting the Innovation in Education Scholarship (deadline is the 20th of each month) and AIChE Minority Scholarship Award (deadline extended to September 1).
After the Supreme Court’s recent decision to ban colleges and universities from taking race into consideration for granting admission, it appears that’s not enough damage done. MSNBC reports that Republicans are now focusing their lens on minority scholarships altogether.
Republican speaker of the Wisconsin State Assembly, Robin Vos, claimed via Twitter that minority scholarship programs designated for students who are Black; Indigenous; Hispanic; or of Laotian, Vietnamese or Cambodian descent amounted to “discrimination.” Translation: They’re trying to get back to the days of guessing jelly beans to vote — only this time the ballot is replaced by textbooks and a seat in class.
While black students are already facing mixed-bag obstacles while trying to walk across a graduation stage, this is as good of a time as any to really get serious about applying for minority scholarships before (or if) they’re banned too.
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This summer and via this “BlackTechLogy” series, I will be highlighting a minority scholarship each week that African-American students can apply for, specifically ones geared toward HBCUs.
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Application Start (and Deadline) Dates: Click here for the application.
Prize Amount: $15,000 to fund tuition, mandatory fees, room and board, books, school supplies.
Additional Perks: Apple HBCU Immersive experience in the spring semester of 2024; 12-week internship with Apple during the summer of 2024; ongoing coaching and guidance from an Apple employee
Major/Mandatory Area of Focus: Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Hardware Engineering and Design students (Note: Students who want to contribute to a technically focused environment and industry [i.e., Business, Marketing, Supply Chain and Finance] will be considered.)
HBCU Relevance: Open to both public and private HBCU students attending a four-year accredited HBCU for the entire term of the program (Transferring from an accredited HBCU to any non-HBCU during the program term will result in removal from the program, loss of any future scholarship award and any other benefits of the program.)
Affiliates: Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF)
For more information, click here.
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