My first time being racially profiled put me in the #NeverBloomberg campaign
If Bloomberg wins, I write in another candidate

This post was originally written on Medium on March 1, 2020. Update: To my surprise (and delight), former Mayor Michael Bloomberg has dropped out of the presidential race after his abysmal results on Super Tuesday. (Source: CNN)
This entire week, I have rolled my eyes to the sky every time I open my mailbox because I know there will be another postcard from billionaire Michael Bloomberg. I already find it obnoxious that he thinks he can buy his way into the presidency and apparently has decided that Turbo Tax is for peons. (If you’ve paid your taxes on time and regularly, the paperwork should already be available. Cross out your Social Security number and mailing address, and release it.)
I can even brush off his pandering about how he “knows” that if he was African-American, he wouldn’t have been as successful. Hell, I don’t even too much mind the folks who are getting $70K for entry-level jobs to campaign for him. Cash those checks and vote for someone else anyway. He uses minorities for the look; use his money for yours. (As complicated as Gravity CEO Dan Price’s story is, I’d rather vote for that $70K-paying boss than Bloomberg.)
Do I think Bloomberg will make it past the primaries? Not at all, regardless of his persistence to “stay right to the bitter end.” But I also didn’t think former President Barack Obama would win in 2008. Imagine my utter shock when I walked out of my former employer’s newsroom and across the street to Grant Park. It took me seeing Obama on a Jumbotron television before I really comprehended that he actually won, so I’m not someone who you should look to for betting odds. In 2012, I was far more optimistic.
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Still though, I am a #NeverTrump supporter who will break away completely if it comes down to Bloomberg and Trump. This stop-and-frisk presidential candidate on the ballot (and Tulsi Gabbard) are the only ways I’ll write someone in come November.