When Pennsylvania and Georgia prove the black vote counts
And all the other Blue States, we love you, too

This post was originally published on Medium on November 6, 2020. Good luck to Georgia in the Senate runoff, and I certainly hope the Reverend Raphael Warnock beats the guy who sends “get well” greeting cards and money he “forgot” he sent. Pennsylvania, I’m proud of you!
Never have I ever thought, “I need to know everything going on in Nevada.” Since Election Night, I’ve gone to sleep thinking of Nevada and woke up with Nevada still on my mind. I even set up Twitter alerts for @NVElect so I could know what was happening by the minute.
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I have no idea what will happen by the time Veteran’s Day (my birthday) rolls around, but this entire voter count is so very 2020. Never did I humor the idea of Pennsylvania, Georgia or Arizona going blue. More importantly though, I hope watching the anticipation in real time shows young, African-American voters (or even cynical older ones) just how much their votes count — the popular vote and electoral college votes.
While I’m blasting Field Mob and Jamie Foxx’s “Georgia” after I’m done rapping along to Eve’s “Philly Philly” on repeat, I’m refreshing my laptop screen from PBS’ Electoral College Map and CBS Election Results. And thanks to this tweet, I’m pausing those songs long enough to watch “Creed” for the thousandth time.
“We ain’t open up the door. We knocked that bitch up off the hinges.” -Beanie Siegel (“Philly Philly”)
“We some ATL thrashers. Sculpt your pumpkin and smash ya. We’ll come through your hood worse than a tsunami disaster.” -Ludacris (“Georgia”)
Look on Twitter and you can find your favorite music quotable — from the “Fresh Prince of Bel Air” TV theme opener to any song by Meek Mill. But besides scrolling through Twitter and cheering on battleground states that I did not expect to be making Donald Trump lose his absolute mind, I hope this moment in history allows 2020 graduates (who just turned 18) and others who are new to elections to fully understand the historical weight of exercising your right to vote. (I’m also hoping all these people dancing and cheering in Philly and Atlanta streets aren’t bandwagon riders who didn’t vote at all.)
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While there will always be naysayers who will swear we’re picking between two evils (comparing a 1994 Crime Bill that was supported by African-American leaders and Biden, who outright confirmed it should’ve been done differently) to the White House tenant who is calling white supremacists “very fine people” right at this very minute in 2020. My personal vote went to the guy who had zero problems under the leadership of a black man from 2008 to 2016.