Black family taunted with monkey noises by neighbors
Racist neighbor keeps cameras, lights, monkey noises playing as revenge tactic

Sometimes neighbors are the worst, and I’ve had plenty that were. During my college years, I used to work evenings and nights as a photo tech for a nearby retail store. I would come home some late nights hearing my new neighbors blasting music loud enough to be heard a block away. I was tired and knew I had early-morning classes. Then there was the garbage in the lawn.
In Missouri, you have to buy a specific type of garbage bag in order for waste management companies to pick it up; it’s an alternate to paying garbage tax. The bags have red lettering on them and look completely different from the more-common black or white garbage bags. She refused to buy those bags so trash would sit on the front lawn for a week until I started putting her garbage bag in my garbage bag.
And while she was blasting music and dumping the wrong bags on the lawn, I finally got tired of her and knocked on her door. A face-to-face conversation resulted in confirming she had no job, didn’t seem to have a desire to be in school and just wanted to party. Two totally different worlds. The next time I came home to the white version of “House Party,” I called the police around midnight. The music quieted down, and then it cranked up to top volume a few minutes later. I called a second time.
Billionaire Bill Gross was fined $1,000, sentenced to five days in jail and has a ban on outdoor music … but this guy playing monkey music when his black neighbors leave the house for an entire year is just getting away with it?
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I also contacted the property managers and wrote her a letter. She (a white woman) went full Amy Cooper and told the property managers it was “threatening.” I sent a copy of the letter; they could find no threats inside. I started looking at other places to live. To my surprise, she moved out several weeks later and left a plastic container of half-eaten cupcakes in front of my door. I laughed. I knew she did that because I’d complained of garbage infestation and pests around the area. It was a great big middle finger to me, along with a suspicious egg cracked on my car a week or so later on Halloween. I shrugged. Life goes on.