Same skin, different men: Date him because he’s dope to you, not them
Every trend becomes a thing of the past, including relationships

When CNN’s John Blake asked me one question, it made me pause. I’m not someone who minces my words. If I think it, I’ll usually say it and cannot recall one time when I truly regretted my words. It’s probably why I gravitated to Toastmasters International public speaking clubs so easily.
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With Toastmasters speeches, I’m not someone who practices for hours on end. I love a good story and a speech that stays with me long after I’ve heard it, and I’m certified in four levels*. How? Stage fright makes little sense to me. I don’t think anyone is so important that I should shake in my boots when speaking to them — whether it’s 100 people or one person. That’s mainly because I don’t get caught up in people’s opinions of me.
But still, when he asked me this question, I had to collect my thoughts. I knew my response could too easily sound like I was knocking one group for another. My answer would more than likely reach a larger audience than a Medium post (or maybe not), so I wanted to make sure there was no room for a misunderstanding.