My deep disappointment and disbelief of Bill Cosby
While R. Kelly was easy to boycott, the Cosby scandal makes my opinions so mixed

Writer’s note: This post was originally published on Medium’s “We Need to Talk” on July 7, 2021.
Bill Cosby’s alleged sexual assault cases are not a topic I enjoy talking about. My first thought in 2014 was anger after hearing Hannibal Buress’ standup about him. It came off petty to me at the time, especially after Buress suddenly decided to be quiet about Cosby talk after the floodgates opened and 60 women spoke out against him.
I’ve listened to every argument there is — women are being opportunists and lying; women are telling the truth and scared to go against a big name; believe women who were brave enough to stand up against their accuser; skepticism of women who claimed to have been sexually assaulted and then went out on dates with him afterward; straight-up denial about all 60 because Phylicia Rashad stood by his side; confirmation that people are trying to bring a legendary black man down; the timeline of accusations after Cosby tried to buy NBC; and even questions of consensual drug use.
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There’s nothing anyone can tell me that I haven’t heard before. For a while, I stayed quiet, taking more of a journalistic stance that “I wasn’t there and I’ll let the facts tell the story.” Then I started reading police reports that made me both believe some women and completely disagree with other women. Thinking 60 women are lying is — well, you have to really be confident in your decision of innocence on that one. Considering the father figure many of us felt Cosby was, I get it and don’t get it at the same time.