The Pivot Podcast hosts check Andrew Schulz on 'the black girlfriend effect'
A perfect example of black men protecting black women
You would’ve never been able to convince pre-40s me that my favorite podcast would be with three NFL players. I couldn’t name five football players in exchange for a winning lottery ticket, even after buying my father loads of Chicago Bears paraphernalia for Father’s Day, birthdays and Christmas. But here I am, damn near doing a cartwheel every single time “The Pivot Podcast” releases a new clip.
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And just like Ryan Clark, Fred Taylor and Channing Crowder did with the domestic violence episode, they’ve impressed me yet again as black men protecting black women. Love to see it. Listen to their response to Andrew Schulz (a comedian I’ve yet to find even slightly funny after several attempts at trying to have an open mind about him) talking about “the black girlfriend effect.”
And no, I’m not linking the video of Schulz talking about growing a beard to cover all the slaps from black women. It’s not worth the click, but you’re welcome to search for it on your own. It’s the same tired “intimidating black woman” gibberish we’ve heard over and over again.
As for the black men who disagree with The Pivot Podcast hosts
I did see a comment on YouTube from a black man saying Schulz’s joke was no different than Gary Owens’ jokes but he “married one so I guess y’all gave him a pass Smdh.” And I hate to give black-women-hating black men any amount of shine, but I’m speaking on this comparison for one reason.
First, when was the first or last time you've seen ANY black woman dating Schulz? I have never in my life heard one black woman talk about how cute he is — ever. I was Today Years Old when I learned he got any play at all from any black woman, assuming he didn’t make it up.
Second, Gary Owens was married to a black woman for 18 years, ONLY dated black women and was STILL silent during the divorce proceedings. He talked more about Amanda Seales on “Club Shay Shay” than he did his own ex-wife. And now he has twins with another black woman. Comparing these two in dating is like comparing the career of Idris Elba to the career of Jimmie Walker. Find a credible example if you’re going to just ramble about white men dating black women.
White men who date and marry black women: IYKYK
White men who actually do date and marry black women don’t talk about us like this. At one point, Maximillion Cooper’s Instagram looked like it may as well have been Eve’s. Lately, it’s been cars again, but then pics like this will occasionally pop up.
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Even through all the Taylor Swift coverage, Travis Kelce was careful to respond about “cheap” accusations from Kayla Nicole and still stayed respectful of his relationship with her while chatting on “The Pivot Podcast.”
Schulz wouldn’t get a co-sign about angry black women from Robin Thicke either. Although he thinks he’s black too, we never hear anything but R&B songs about Paula Patton. (And “Lost Without You” — with Patton as the lead lady — will forever be a classic.)
And Jon B. is still married to a black woman and happy as hell about it.
White men who actually get play from black women have more sense than this. The ones who don’t just sound upset that they’re being passed right by. Stay mad. We’ll survive.
To “The Pivot Podcast” hosts, black men who don't leap to disrespect and generalize us all, and white men who don’t think or act like Schulz, thank you for being you.
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